Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Baby Changes Everything

As we enjoy our Christmas presents and family today we should stop and remember why we are celebrating this day. Close your eyes and imagine a young girl who is engaged to be married being visited by an angel to tell her that she is to be with child, the Christ child. She is alarmed, for she hasn't been with a man and Joseph would surely put her away for good. I'm sure she cried because, you see, a baby changes everything. If you have ever been with child, you understand what she must be feeling. It was that baby that was born on Christmas that CHANGED the WORLD FOREVER. It's that babe in the manger that we worship, for he came so that we could be changed forever. He came to this earth, not in a palace or for all the world to see, but in a barn with a bunch of animals. That baby would grow up to die on the cross one day, on the day we celebrate his resurrection or Easter. I know that today has a new meaning to me more than ever this year. Oh, we are all guilty of being caught up in traditions, presents, and family; all I ask is that you stop and think...remember who came to Earth on this day. Don't stay in the "Grinch, bah humbug mode" all day. Don't think this is "your day" but instead remember what BABY CHANGED THE WORLD. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Words fly my way, stabbing me to the core
Should I take them to heart?
Should I really care?
I care too much and that's why I bleed...
Words flying at me, like arrows in the wind
You don't understand what they do to me
You don't comprehend where they hit,
Where they push me off the edge...
How can you? You aren't who I am.
I don't blame you at all...
I think I used to blame you all,
Then I realized this...
I have a choice to LIVE, really live.

Terrors in my soul, telling me who I should be
I tell them to go away, leave me alone
I know I'm not crazy, no matter what you say
I just know that I have to STAND for who I am
I don't have to apologize for who I am
You need to SEE ME...see the real me
If you don't, you will never stop throwing darts
Killing my inner soul, because that's me.

So, I stand here in the cold, not knowing what to say
I stand here in the night, eyes burning in the wind
I slowly understand that it can't be you anymore
You can't live for me anymore....
So, I shake my fist at the fleeting air and say,
It's me.......SO LIVE!

*The above post is a declaration of freedom, freedom from the words and accusations of others. You see, we so often live our life the way other people want us to live instead of the way God and the Bible want us to live. We are like a puppet on a string, dancing here and there never really living a life of our own. God gave us free will, but the average person has no concept of that very will. Most often we go through life living the way we perceive others would have us to live. How do I know this? Because I grew up this way and watched many many people live that very way. Then there were the few who knew that that wasn't for them, and they were brave enough to be themselves. We often looked at them as rebels in the youth group, but the truth of the matter was, we were scared because they weren't going "our direction." My question is what is "our direction"? Why is it that we have to have a model and then pattern our lives after that one pattern of living? I realize that Jesus is the ultimate pattern, but I do know that he gave us free will. Yes, we are to be like HIM, but everyone thinks it's their way. I say, search your heart, read your Bible, and ask for the Holy Spirit's leading. He will show you how to live. I have lived way too long caring what others think of me, and it's about time I break FREE from "that mold" whatever that mold is. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Stop judging people for what they look like or what they do. LOVE is the key to any relationship. LOVE is the key to bringing people to you as a friend. When you decide to stop caring about the questions and accusing eyes, then you know it's not all about you start to know that these people are broken and they too want to be free. They just don't know how to break away from approval addiction. I don't follow man; I follow GOD. He is my ultimate teacher and guide. Just food for thought.

Monday, December 22, 2008


The tears flow freely down my face,

Tears of pain, tears of hurt, tears of happiness

How can I choose which emotion with which to display

But to freely cry, whether hard or soft

God gave me a friend when I felt alone

I feel pain, I feel sorrow, but not on my own.

How do I describe this overwhelming well?

I close my eyes, and they flow freely o'er my face

Down to the floor...I am the only one who cares

Who understands the meaning behind my tears.

Don't mock for tears are the cleansing of the inner soul.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Try, Try Again

So, some people may say that they don't have a hard time losing weight or exercising. I used to be one of those people, in another life-time, or so it seems! But last night I was watching Discovery Health, and they were doing a gastric bi-pass on a 17 year old boy who was over 400 pounds! His sister had been over 300, and it took her almost two years to get down to her normal weight which she did with diet and exercise. I just felt badly for the young man because he desperately wanted to be seen for who he was not what he looked like. Unfortunately, society has taught us that looks are everything. I guarantee that when I get down to where I am supposed to weigh, people who never talked to me before will start coming up to me! Why is that? It's sad, but that's really not what my blog is about. A dear friend of mine asked me how I was losing weight because she has no self control. I laughed and said, my secret to this weight loss journey that I am on, is when I fall, I get back up. I just try, try again! Man, I've lost 16 pounds since September, and I really hope to lose another 10 by the NEW YEAR. I could have lost more, but you know what, I can't look back! I have to keep going forward! And all I am really doing is trying to be healthy! Yes, I count points because I have no knowledge of portions at the moment, but I think that will come with time. Yes, with time, I won't need to count everything I eat; I will just know when enough is enough. For now, I get up, dust off myself, and try, try again. That's all I can do! I know that by this time next year, I will be a whole new person, and it will be my goal to help those who want it because no one should be miserable!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch!

What a season this has been! I have to say that people are meaner and grumpier this year. Maybe it's because of the economy, but I've noticed in my store that customers just want to be left alone. It's my job to relay the sales of the day and to see if the customer needs or wants help, and lately, most of them have been curt with the reply, "I'm just looking, thank you." This doesn't make my job any easier, but I always felt that if someone wants to be left alone, then I will leave them alone. At least I have tried to be of a help and will be there if they decide they need my help. Last week, a lady came in to return something. I recognized her name immediately as the lady who buys alot of clothes and then returns over half of them! She is a demanding type of woman, and I could tell that my assistant manager wanted to scream. (not that I blamed her in the least! LOL!) I immediately tried to get every one's attention off of the return and asked the lady if she was going on a cruise. ( her "excuse" for returning the blouse was that she was packing and realized she had too many dress-up tops! LOL! I was laughing inwardly!) She said she wasn't, but was going on a trip to Puerto Rico. That opened a whole new door, and soon the return was done with everyone not being frustrated anymore! All of this to say, I think I learned something that evening. People, no matter how demanding or mean, have something to talk about, something that will interest them. All we have to do is listen. So, as frustrating as people become this time of year, I am going to try and work on that one thing....listening. I have been able to help diffuse many a disagreement either between co-workers or customers this season. Whether it be my sense of humor or soft tone, it's been worth it. I am in no way a perfect "people person" but I am beginning to learn how to deal with all sorts of personalities.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dear Joshua,

My dearest husband, there once was a time 7 years ago when all I had was you. Now, two more people have come into my heart that I love beyond words, Charity and JW. That in turn, is unfair to you because somehow along the way, I may have forgotten what it was like to just be me and you. Maybe it's this time of year that brings reality back to earth, or maybe it's because this time 7 years ago, we were just realizing how much we loved each other. It could be because now, I am realizing how much time really flies, and I can't believe that this December 27, it will be 7 years since you asked me at the BWI airport to be your wife. Whatever the case may be, I know that I am a nostalgic kind of girl, and I like to remember when things began and how they made me feel. I have to say for certain, we have been through alot together over the past 8 years of our lives, and I wouldn't trade being with you for anyone else in the whole world. I wouldn't trade all of our heartache and tears, as painful as they may be, for anything because that is what brought us closer. I have to say that if I had to do all over again, I'd still choose you because you are the kind of man I always used to dreamed about: loving, kind, awesome father, full of humor, a true gentleman, a HUGE heart, etc. Whether it be your sweet eyes that melted my heart on our very first date, or the way you talked non-stop on our second and third date, I knew that I would marry you from the first time I talked to you. I just knew that we had so much in common, and not only that, you completed me in every way. Where I am shy, you are bold; when I am unsure, you know for sure with all of your heart. When I can't seem to smile, you are full of laughter and sunshine. When all I want to do is do nothing, you are so full of ideas for fun and memories. You still have so many dreams, and I know they will all come true because you are the type of man that doesn't just talk, you also DO. I love you, dear Joshua, and I plan on loving you for the rest of my life. All my LOVE, Elizabeth

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Holiday Spirit

It's the holidays, as we all know, and many people are out and about shopping, shopping, shopping! The lists come out as do the claws! I noticed yesterday as I worked that people were either one extreme or the other...either they were in a "holiday spirit" or they were just plain "a mean one, Mr. Grinch!" I laugh as I watch people swarm all through the mall, bags in hand, and all in a hurry....but for what? We just had our Thanksgiving, and yet people are rushing to bring in Christmas! It's amazing how most stores had their Christmas decorations going out at the end of August, and yet when I went to the store on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, there were no Thanksgiving decorations left! I wanted to get something festive for our dinner, but in frustration realized that people are thinking ahead to Christmas, forgetting to be THANKFUL in the process. I think that Christmas is my favorite holiday of all, yet sometimes, I think that we, as Americans really forget what it's all about! Just yesterday, in New York, a Walmart employee was trampled to death as he attempted to open the doors to let the waiting mob come in and get "their Black Friday deals!" This makes me sick to my heart because that man was only trying to do his job, and now his family will have to spend Christmas without him...all because of GREED! Just last year, I had a lady get so mad at me because she couldn't get her way in my shoe store, that she threw her shoe at my face! Oh, she denied it, but the plain clothes' officer saw it as well, and she was scared when he revealed who he was! My, my,'s a shame how our society thinks of the's ME, ME, ME! Why not think of another person these holidays? Think of THE person who came to this world so we could be set free! Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fifth Disease or "Slap Cheeks"

I know that I knew nothing about this illness until last Saturday, and I feel that people should be made aware of something that is going around whether or not it may be uncomfortable to talk about. Two Saturdays ago, I broke out in a rash all over my legs and arms. I then began experiencing sore joints off and on and severe headaches as well. I thought something had to be wrong, but I didn't just want to up and go to the doctor. I felt better for a few days, and then it came back. It's been that way actually since November 1. I didn't really break out in that rash until like I said earlier, two Saturdays ago. Then last Friday, Charity broke out in the same rash only her cheeks were really red! I called and talked to a family member, and she told me what it was and that it was going around! Why in all of my 28 years, haven't I heard of this? If this is supposed to be the 5th of most common diseases found in children, this is the first time I've heard about it! Adults usually become more ill than a child. I have been struggling off and on this month, and I see my little girl having no problems. I often become frustrated because I no longer want to feel ill! I am believing God for a miracle and healing because I know that His healing power is alive and active in me. To anyone who doesn't know what this is, it's just a human form of the parvo virus found to kill doesn't kill humans though and is often thought to be a cold with a rash. Once the rash breaks out, you are no longer contagious. I was told yesterday that the symptoms can last for a year, but I believe I will shake this and soon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

"How Wonderful YOU Are!"

Miracles happen today as much as they did over 2000 years ago when my Saviour rose from the grave! Yesterday, I saw a miracle happen in our church service...106 people walked the aisle and asked Jesus to be their Saviour. I'm not much into numbers because of some reasons of my own, but this was genuinely amazing to me. I haven't seen something like this and haven't really been moved by any of it for a long time. It seemed like this miracle made me realize that what I am doing and how I am raising my family for is right and worth it all. Yeah, I was raised as a pastor's daughter, but I had my own choice if I wanted to continue on in this life or choose another one! I decided any life without my Lord and Saviour wasn't life at all for me. I couldn't imagine going on without my God because He has done so much for me, I can't begin to tell you them all! Tears flow freely down my face because yesterday, one of my best friends realized that she needed to ask Jesus to be her don't understand how I feel. I didn't know how to tell her about it; I just decided to love her and show her how a true Christian lives, to love others no matter what. Oh, I know how to tell someone about my Christ, but sometimes, the words don't come easily when it comes to talking to someone you love. I'm so happy that the words can't express what's on my heart, but if you saw my face right now, you'd see the tears flowing freely. Thank you, Jesus! My heart is overflowing in gratitude....How wonderful YOU are!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Where the Colors Don't Fade

It seems that Americans can't let go of the past, and that they continue to cry "racism" no matter what color they are. There is only one race on this earth, and that's the HUMAN race. I get tired of people complaining about this very subject! I have a friend out west who lives around people who are making remarks to her and to her family just because Obama was elected president! As if it was her fault because she is black! I have no respect for people who will go around and make derogatory remarks to these people! I experienced racism towards even me and my family when I was a child. One of my friend's family told her that neither she nor her brothers were aloud to date Spanish people, and she would make fun of me and say things like that to my face. For years, that bothered me, and then I realized, this is AMERICA. AMERICA doesn't have just one set ethnic group...we have many people here from many different countries. That's what makes us who we are, THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA. My grandparents from my mom's side moved to Youngstown, Ohio from Puerto Rico when they were just teenagers. My great-grandparents from my dad's side moved here from Austria and Germany when they were young adults. So, when I fill out forms that ask me what race I am, I always write in human race. Why? Because I am not going to choose between backgrounds. Am I supposed to choose my mom's side or my dad's? That's foolish, don't you think....and yet, most Americans just don't get it. To me it's just not right to have a "minority" group. If that's the case, who's the "majority" group? How do we rank there? Red and yellow, black and white, we are human, and that's all that matters. Let's train our children to love all mankind. It shouldn't matter what we look like. It shouldn't matter what accent we have. If you watch closely a small child, most of the time, they don't even notice when someone is different. It's usually the mommy or daddy that teaches them to think differently towards people. If parents can teach their children to be racist, then it is VERY possible for us to teach them not to think that way. My parents taught me well on this subject, and to this day, it is ingrained on my heart to love all mankind.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Thought for the Day

I have to say that Tuesday evening was hard for me because I was amazed at who our fellow Americans chose to be our next president. I guess I was blind-sighted because everyone around me didn't want him. I had not taken any polls; so, I really couldn't speak for the whole United States. I stayed up until 12:30, just listening to his speech. It really hit me that this is what God wants for our nation, and we can get mad and upset all we want. What really matters is that we now respect and pray for him. I saw his little daughters and felt so badly for them! To be in the spotlight at such an early age, is amazing to me. I was 12 years old when Bill Clinton was sworn into office for the first time, and I remember his daughter being the same age as me! I was excited to think about it at the time. Now, having children of my own, I realize that has to be hard as a mother to have to constantly guard your little children from the public's eye and also worry about your husband's safety every day. I realize we have a Secret Service, but you never know what nut job is around the corner. My thought for today is, America has decided who she wants; let's accept it and move on. We don't have to be talking that this is the end times or that the world is coming to an end. We may not agree with everything, but that will be our new president. We should lift him and his family up in prayer each day! This is our country, too, and I don't know about you, but I am PROUD to be an American!