Friday, November 7, 2008

Where the Colors Don't Fade

It seems that Americans can't let go of the past, and that they continue to cry "racism" no matter what color they are. There is only one race on this earth, and that's the HUMAN race. I get tired of people complaining about this very subject! I have a friend out west who lives around people who are making remarks to her and to her family just because Obama was elected president! As if it was her fault because she is black! I have no respect for people who will go around and make derogatory remarks to these people! I experienced racism towards even me and my family when I was a child. One of my friend's family told her that neither she nor her brothers were aloud to date Spanish people, and she would make fun of me and say things like that to my face. For years, that bothered me, and then I realized, this is AMERICA. AMERICA doesn't have just one set ethnic group...we have many people here from many different countries. That's what makes us who we are, THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA. My grandparents from my mom's side moved to Youngstown, Ohio from Puerto Rico when they were just teenagers. My great-grandparents from my dad's side moved here from Austria and Germany when they were young adults. So, when I fill out forms that ask me what race I am, I always write in human race. Why? Because I am not going to choose between backgrounds. Am I supposed to choose my mom's side or my dad's? That's foolish, don't you think....and yet, most Americans just don't get it. To me it's just not right to have a "minority" group. If that's the case, who's the "majority" group? How do we rank there? Red and yellow, black and white, we are human, and that's all that matters. Let's train our children to love all mankind. It shouldn't matter what we look like. It shouldn't matter what accent we have. If you watch closely a small child, most of the time, they don't even notice when someone is different. It's usually the mommy or daddy that teaches them to think differently towards people. If parents can teach their children to be racist, then it is VERY possible for us to teach them not to think that way. My parents taught me well on this subject, and to this day, it is ingrained on my heart to love all mankind.

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