Tuesday, August 14, 2012

United as ONE

       Going about our everyday lives, pretending that nothing really matters but ourselves has become quite a disease. I've learned over the past 7 years that what really matters is not myself but those around me. I've had layer after layer broken down as the real me is being revealed. I have found that we are born into this world as selfish beings, wanting our mother's undivided attention. It's natural for us to want to think only of ourselves. It's the totally unnatural that really matters in this life though....living for others. So often we say things out of hurt and pain, not thinking of the other's feelings...we are simply trying to appease our own flesh all the while not thinking that the other might be in far more pain.
       Not only are we a selfish human race, we also have become divided in what man calls religion. I don't think Christ came to Earth for religion. He didn't walk among men for rules and regulations. He didn't heal the sick or raise the dead for man-made rules. No, he came to this Earth to walk as we walk....to experience what we experience. He was tempted just like you and I. Somehow, we have become like those Pharisees who put Him to death. We think our way is the only way and nothing else matters. I beg to differ...my God came to show that nothing else even matters but LOVE. "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends..." We fight and cause division while the world looks on in confusion at our so-called Christianity. Whatever happened to uniting as one for the cause of Christ? To walk this earth as He did, teaching and living LOVE would be the ultimate proof of our Christianity.
Instead, we hold up signs, stand in line, put out petitions, say we are against certain things, cause a big ruckus, tear people down with lies and gossip.

       I strive to live like Jesus did....those around me know me and my heart, and while it is far from perfect, I choose daily to forgive...I don't stand against those who are lost in themselves...I give of myself to help my family, friends and those who need me. I refuse to cast stones on the fallen or categorize those who are different. Unity has become a forgotten word in the English language....we need to stand together as ONE united in LOVE so His light will shine through.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Don't Let Me Fall

       Right when you begin to think that nothing could ever break your heart again, that there is nothing left in the world that could hurt more, nothing to crush your ideals, dreams, basically world, it hits....it hits so hard, it knocks the air right out of your lungs. You keep telling yourself to breathe, just inhale, then exhale....one breath at a time...breathing is good. You need to breathe to live. Then, right when you've mastered breathing again, the pain in your heart is sharp, so sharp and you feel the tears just streaming down your face. These tears keep coming, strong and fast, and usually, crying helps; it cleanses the soul and you feel healed. Only this time, crying only helps for a few hours. Usually as you wet your pillow each night with those tears, the pain goes away for the 6 to 8 hours you sleep. When you wake up, that dull ache returns. You wonder what day you can wake up and the ache be gone. You tell yourself it's going to be all ok....that this is a dream and you will wake up for real very soon. Then, one day turns into the next, and you begin to realize that this is for real. This isn't going away overnight, and there is nothing you can do but pray...pray, wipe your tears, and go on with life because that's what this really is, LIFE. Your eyes are opened once and for all. Life happens, and then we die. But, it's best to not just let life happen. It's better to happen to life. So, you pick yourself back up, put on that smile even though your spirit doesn't feel it....you look in the mirror and say, "I'm going up, don't let me fall....."