Saturday, November 29, 2008

Holiday Spirit

It's the holidays, as we all know, and many people are out and about shopping, shopping, shopping! The lists come out as do the claws! I noticed yesterday as I worked that people were either one extreme or the other...either they were in a "holiday spirit" or they were just plain "a mean one, Mr. Grinch!" I laugh as I watch people swarm all through the mall, bags in hand, and all in a hurry....but for what? We just had our Thanksgiving, and yet people are rushing to bring in Christmas! It's amazing how most stores had their Christmas decorations going out at the end of August, and yet when I went to the store on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, there were no Thanksgiving decorations left! I wanted to get something festive for our dinner, but in frustration realized that people are thinking ahead to Christmas, forgetting to be THANKFUL in the process. I think that Christmas is my favorite holiday of all, yet sometimes, I think that we, as Americans really forget what it's all about! Just yesterday, in New York, a Walmart employee was trampled to death as he attempted to open the doors to let the waiting mob come in and get "their Black Friday deals!" This makes me sick to my heart because that man was only trying to do his job, and now his family will have to spend Christmas without him...all because of GREED! Just last year, I had a lady get so mad at me because she couldn't get her way in my shoe store, that she threw her shoe at my face! Oh, she denied it, but the plain clothes' officer saw it as well, and she was scared when he revealed who he was! My, my,'s a shame how our society thinks of the's ME, ME, ME! Why not think of another person these holidays? Think of THE person who came to this world so we could be set free! Merry Christmas!

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