Friday, November 21, 2008

Fifth Disease or "Slap Cheeks"

I know that I knew nothing about this illness until last Saturday, and I feel that people should be made aware of something that is going around whether or not it may be uncomfortable to talk about. Two Saturdays ago, I broke out in a rash all over my legs and arms. I then began experiencing sore joints off and on and severe headaches as well. I thought something had to be wrong, but I didn't just want to up and go to the doctor. I felt better for a few days, and then it came back. It's been that way actually since November 1. I didn't really break out in that rash until like I said earlier, two Saturdays ago. Then last Friday, Charity broke out in the same rash only her cheeks were really red! I called and talked to a family member, and she told me what it was and that it was going around! Why in all of my 28 years, haven't I heard of this? If this is supposed to be the 5th of most common diseases found in children, this is the first time I've heard about it! Adults usually become more ill than a child. I have been struggling off and on this month, and I see my little girl having no problems. I often become frustrated because I no longer want to feel ill! I am believing God for a miracle and healing because I know that His healing power is alive and active in me. To anyone who doesn't know what this is, it's just a human form of the parvo virus found to kill doesn't kill humans though and is often thought to be a cold with a rash. Once the rash breaks out, you are no longer contagious. I was told yesterday that the symptoms can last for a year, but I believe I will shake this and soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you get better!