Monday, November 10, 2008

"How Wonderful YOU Are!"

Miracles happen today as much as they did over 2000 years ago when my Saviour rose from the grave! Yesterday, I saw a miracle happen in our church service...106 people walked the aisle and asked Jesus to be their Saviour. I'm not much into numbers because of some reasons of my own, but this was genuinely amazing to me. I haven't seen something like this and haven't really been moved by any of it for a long time. It seemed like this miracle made me realize that what I am doing and how I am raising my family for is right and worth it all. Yeah, I was raised as a pastor's daughter, but I had my own choice if I wanted to continue on in this life or choose another one! I decided any life without my Lord and Saviour wasn't life at all for me. I couldn't imagine going on without my God because He has done so much for me, I can't begin to tell you them all! Tears flow freely down my face because yesterday, one of my best friends realized that she needed to ask Jesus to be her don't understand how I feel. I didn't know how to tell her about it; I just decided to love her and show her how a true Christian lives, to love others no matter what. Oh, I know how to tell someone about my Christ, but sometimes, the words don't come easily when it comes to talking to someone you love. I'm so happy that the words can't express what's on my heart, but if you saw my face right now, you'd see the tears flowing freely. Thank you, Jesus! My heart is overflowing in gratitude....How wonderful YOU are!

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