Friday, December 12, 2008

Try, Try Again

So, some people may say that they don't have a hard time losing weight or exercising. I used to be one of those people, in another life-time, or so it seems! But last night I was watching Discovery Health, and they were doing a gastric bi-pass on a 17 year old boy who was over 400 pounds! His sister had been over 300, and it took her almost two years to get down to her normal weight which she did with diet and exercise. I just felt badly for the young man because he desperately wanted to be seen for who he was not what he looked like. Unfortunately, society has taught us that looks are everything. I guarantee that when I get down to where I am supposed to weigh, people who never talked to me before will start coming up to me! Why is that? It's sad, but that's really not what my blog is about. A dear friend of mine asked me how I was losing weight because she has no self control. I laughed and said, my secret to this weight loss journey that I am on, is when I fall, I get back up. I just try, try again! Man, I've lost 16 pounds since September, and I really hope to lose another 10 by the NEW YEAR. I could have lost more, but you know what, I can't look back! I have to keep going forward! And all I am really doing is trying to be healthy! Yes, I count points because I have no knowledge of portions at the moment, but I think that will come with time. Yes, with time, I won't need to count everything I eat; I will just know when enough is enough. For now, I get up, dust off myself, and try, try again. That's all I can do! I know that by this time next year, I will be a whole new person, and it will be my goal to help those who want it because no one should be miserable!


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Kiddo!

T said...

Keep it up girl!! You're doing it!!