Friday, July 23, 2010


       Hello, my name is Elizabeth Hamm, and I wonder what in the word I have gotten myself into...really...I like to think of myself as a strong person, as a person who can accomplish whatever I put my mind to...I also know that sometimes, mostly all of the time, I like to make sure that everyone around me is okay and all is right in their world as in mine. I don't know why I am this's been for as long as I can remember, really. I've always wanted those in authority to like me as well as everyone around me. I've come to the conclusion probably over 2000x that I just can't please everyone. I just can't make everybody happy, AND I can't just take those around me who are in pain and make them better. I can't solve world peace, and I can't make everyone believe in God. I can't make everyone obey the law and I can't make someone like me. All I can do is be myself, and with the help of God, I can shine His light wherever I walk. I don't always make the right decisions, and often, it may seem as if I am too caring....but at what point is someone TOO caring? I know that as of this point in my life, all I can do is, "Let go and let God..." I can't do anything else. I can't expect to make everyone around me happy 100% of the time. I can't make my own children obey me or even get along. All I can do is guide them and teach them how important it is to obey those in authority and how important it is to treat each other with respect.
       I can take a handful of my "faith rocks" and name each and every one of them with different things I am dealing with in my life including "self-respect." I am learning to respect myself so in turn I can respect others. So many times, I try to help so many people around me that I forget that I, too, am an important person in my life. I deserve happiness and love just like everyone around me. This is not pride; this is just self-awareness...God loves me...He loved ME so much that He made a way for me to have a "peace that passes all understanding..." He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for ME. If I was the only person alive on this Earth, He still would've sent Jesus to die for ME. I have to be totally honest with you...I could not live this life without my God. I have, and I have failed miserably. I have gone for days without talking to Him or even acknowledging He was there...then when chaos or tragedy entered, I was on my knees crying for His help. I have come too far now to go back...I know that I really couldn't live without my God.
       Remember Jesus' cry from the cross, "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?" Imagine the great desperation He was feeling! I don't ever have to experience that because He will always be near. Whenever I feel as if He is gone, all I have to do is turn around and just simply open my eyes. He hasn't gone anywhere; He was just waiting for me to acknowledge His presence.
       So, I can't just end this without simply saying that although I have maybe sounded desperate, I am not. I have faith that God will bring me through this phase in my life the same as He always has. I don't need anything but Him for He is my EVERYTHING...

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