Monday, September 14, 2009

Various Thoughts on Life

       I found the song, "Go Rest High on That Mountain" a little over two years ago when Mamaw Hamm went Home to Glory. It only seemed fitting that the song was sung when Papaw went to meet her. I sit here tonight and listen to it and cry.
       I was told that Grandma Wetzl's apartment was packed up a few weeks ago, and that she even forgot who my mom was when they went to visit her not long after. My, I must say that I treasure life more now than ever as I get older. I never knew my Grandpa Wetzl as he passed away when I was only a year old. I am forever grateful that I will see him someday even though my memories of him down here are not there; I only see pictures of him holding me.
       I am missing my family something terrible today. I talked to my brother, Sam, online last night. He had just gotten back from a mission over there in Afghanistan. He's coming home on November 15, and I will be there to greet him in is too precious to waste time with excuses. Grab the one next to you and hold them tight. Hold close your little one; laugh and doesn't matter how old you are. You'll always have that kid in your heart somewhere. I talked to my daddy for over an hour this afternoon. He is so wise; he is constantly teaching me something new in my life and I owe so much to him. I may be rambling on and on, but sometimes my mind goes so fast that my fingers have a hard time catching up! :) Anyways, I miss my sister too; she is so easy-going and laid back. I think she'd love it if she went with me sometime further south in the mountains of WV. It'd be a new place for her, but she loves adventure. I just know that she would have something to say about all of the "rednecks" as she calls most people with cowboy boots and hats! I must say, all of us, Wetzls, haven't been in the same place together since Thanksgiving 2003! That's way too long if I do say so myself! I plan on making an extra effort to make it so we are all together this November! We are going to take pictures and make memories because life is too short to waste just saying you miss must go and be with them!
       I have to go and see my grandma too...I miss her so much, and it makes me sad that I just can't call her old number anymore.  And my Grandma Tirado is going to Puerto Rico for the winter; I can't wait to see her as well! I miss her, too, so much along with Grandpa Tirado...I miss my aunts, uncles cousins, etc. I miss the tree-lined streets of McDonald, the simpleness of the area...the slow-paced driving as compared to the fast-paced recklessness in this area...I miss jumping in the car with my dad and going to IGA for something my mom forgot to buy. I miss their dog, Jack...he is so full of character, it's almost as if he's my little brother! Seeing that the fall is my favorite season, those tree-lined streets will be beautiful! I have friends ask me why I miss Ohio...I must say it wouldn't be the same without my family there, that's for sure. It's where I grew up; it's full of memories of my childhood. I love walking to the park and sitting in the gazebo where I spent hours writing and thinking as a teen, the same gazebo where we had our wedding pictures taken. I miss walking up Pennsylvania Ave., passing the Dairy Queen and thinking of the LARGE butter-finger blizzard my brother always bought and gulped down as we walked down Ohio Ave! :) I miss my bike because it was the way that I got around town and knew every nook and cranny of our town. I miss the tennis courts where me and my sis, JoJo, attempted to play tennis many a summer afternoon or evening after work. I miss sitting near the fire-station and being scared out of my skin as the horn went off to alert the volunteer firemen! I think I miss all of the winters as well because we don't get as much snow around here! I never was aloud to drive in it when I did live in Ohio; so my brother and sister have something over on me! I just miss Mill Creek Park where we went to that giant hill, sled down it for hours and barely made it back to our cars because we were so stiff and cold!
       These are just a few of my various thoughts these last couple of days. I plan on picking up my guitar and piano again really soon. Music is apart of my life as well as my writing. I'm finding time these days to do the things I love...spending time with my children and my husband. Life is good, and I am blessed.

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