Saturday, March 13, 2010

Precious in His Sight

      So, I started my new job this week at The Board of Childcare here in Martinsburg. We spent the whole week learning new techniques, many which were psychology based as to how to act and re-act with the children we will be dealing with. The main thing is to NEVER re-act. My eyes were opened even more, and even though I've worked with troubled teens in the past, this will be different as this is a treatment facility. The last thing we learned was how to use proper restraints which will hardly ever be needed if protocol is followed in stopping the situations from escalating. I think that everyone at some time in their life should learn about someone else besides themselves...learn that everyone in this world doesn't always live the way you would live. Not everyone is blessed to have a dad and a mom who love them and provide for them. I am blessed. I was raised in a loving family who cared for me and my needs emotionally and physically. These children don't come from homes like that.
       When I would go to Chicago every weekend while in college, I would run into situations that stung me to my core. One situation I will NEVER forget. I don't really remember who was with me at the time, but there was a little 5 year old boy named Jamie (pronounced Himey) who lived with I believe his grandmother. I just remember going to visit him and his brother one Saturday and knocking and knocking on the door. Just as me and my partner were about to leave, his grandma answered the door and the smell of alcohol and weed wafted into the hallway. As soon as she recognized us, she invited us in. There were people passed out all over the apartment and beer bottles scattered everywhere! I thought I would be sick, but I retained my composure. Cigarette butts filled the ash tray and dirty dishes were strewn on the counters and table. I went into Jamie's room and talked to him. He was so excited to go to church the next day...As soon as we left and were well out of range, I broke down and sobbed. I just couldn't take it that an adult would allow such things to go on in front of an innocent child. Needless to say, not long after that, Jamie wasn't allowed to come to church anymore. I don't remember the circumstances as to why.
       I grew fond of Daisy, a teenage girl, who was sent to Guatemala by her mom because she got into trouble with the law. The day I found that out, I cried as well. I became attached to these kids whom we invested our time and money but more importantly our HEARTS. They changed my life and how I see life in general. I saw things I never saw before...I would often ride the bus back on Saturday evening with tears streaming down my face as I watched the Chicago skyline go past my window. I was extremely thankful that I was blessed, and I knew that I would always have a heart for troubled children.
       I watched PRECIOUS tonight, and yes, it was very graphic. I was crying along with her as she said, "Nobody loves me." I loved that girl even though I didn't know her. I could see how verbally abused she that emotional abuse along with the physical and sexual tore her to broken she was...all she wanted was LOVE. Jesus is LOVE, and thru HIM I will LOVE these children I work with. I understand we will not have a friendship as that is necessary in this facility, but may they always remember that they are loved as they leave to live their life. They truly are precious in HIS sight.

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