Friday, July 17, 2009

In Moderation

So, I've begun to realize that some things in life aren't meant to be taken too "overboard." Since my gallbladder removal almost a month ago, I've come to realize that sometimes, your body just has to heal and adjust especially when something major has taken place! This is not like having a baby. Yes, your body does need to adjust after giving birth, but this gallbladder removal has been a totally different experience for me. At times, I have felt that I have been all alone in what I have been feeling; then I talk to someone who knows exactly how I felt and how I am now feeling. I think that sometimes, I want to be "snap of the fingers" better overnight, but time is healing and healing takes time. I am not happy about how I allowed myself to become so out of shape and massive in weight gaining, but I can use this experience to help others. To this date, I have lost 38 pounds and counting because I am nowhere near being done. I just need to remind myself that weight loss MUST be done in moderation just as eating food must be done in the same manner. I am not sure if I have this whole thing down pat, but for now, I continually ask God for wisdom in my everyday choices and continue to keep going even when I feel down. I must remember that everything happens for a reason, and I give God the glory for how He has done a great work in my life. Each day is a learning experience, and I hope to be of a help to someone on down the road at some point. I'm not sure who exactly reads my blogs, but keep me posted on any comments or suggestions you might have. I am a girl open and ready to learn new and wonderful things that God has in store for me. For today, I learned, all things are to be done in moderation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should sound more "Man overboard!" warnings eh?