Monday, May 18, 2009

No Greater Talent

God has given each and everyone of us a special talent to be used for His glory. I believe that we were created for a specific reason, and if we are not using what He has given us, we are wasting our precious time here on Earth. I know that we were created to glorify Him, but we also have a purpose. Only you would know what your true purpose is in this life. If we don't use our talent, we could lose it, and that is very sad. I don't plan on losing my talents. Looking back over my life, I see that I have several talents of which one is writing. If I were to stop writing, I would gradually lose my ability. I keep my fingers flying across the keyboard whether it be writing an encouraging note or simply writing down what is on my heart for that day. I also have a musical talent, and I plan on expanding that within these next few years. I believe that since I can write poetry, I can also write music. Already, I have written a few songs with my sister's help, but I have more to pen. I make this a goal for the rest of my life. I don't plan on keeping my writings to myself because I believe with my talent, I can bless many people's lives. There is no greater talent than the one that is sitting in your lap. Use it; don't let it die.

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