Tuesday, January 13, 2009

By Your Side

Dear God,
Preacher spoke to us Sunday morning, and just now, I am beginning to remember exactly what he said to us. He passionately told us with tears in his eyes that we need You when everything is going right, not just when everything falls apart. So, dear God, I come before You right now to make some things right, and I want this to be a re-dedication of my Christian life and walk with You. I don't need to confess my sins in a public forum, but I want the world to know that today, I am taking Your out-stretched hand. I am allowing You to cover me in Your love and flow Your love through me to those around me in my day by day walk in this life down here. God, I know You have always been by my side...those were Your footprints in the sand, right next to mine all of these years....when I looked down and saw only one set of footprints, I know it was You that was carrying me. I could never have made it this far without Your love and help. I realize more and more as the years go by, that without You, I am nothing. I humbly bow in Your presence, oh great Jehovah, and thank You for sending Your only Son to come to this God-forsaken earth and dying so that I could have the hope of eternity with You. Without that hope, life would have no meaning. We would just be wasting our time down here, but instead we have this hope that dwells within our hearts, and it spills out to everyone around us as a testimony of Your promise, Your gift to mankind. I love You, Heavenly Father, with all of my heart just as I know that You love me more than the human mind can comprehend. I could never love You as much because I am in a sin-filled body, but one day, I have that hope to have a new, glorified body which will be sin-less, and then can love you back the way it was meant to be.

All My Love,

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