Thursday, June 6, 2013

Far Away

I can feel you ever so close, your presence is real, your very essence

I close my eyes and breathe, like a brush of an angel’s wing across my face

Finger-tips brush my own, the faint scent of your perfume

Tears roll down my face, I clasp my hands in front of me and embrace this moment

A moment that comes and goes, a moment that is but too brief

I know you are there, I can feel you…

I can’t see you, but my spirit feels yours, so close, yet so far away

I raise my hand and touch your invisible one

I hear your voice inside my head, I see your smile, your laughter, your love

I open my eyes and then you are gone….running after you, come back to me

Don’t go away, I need you here beside me, I need to know you will stay

Chasing a mirage, sinking to the ground in desperation, a spiral of smoke and you are gone

I can’t see you, I can’t feel you, I can’t find you….where did you go?

It’s like you are hidden, far away, never to return, gone, gone, gone….

I can’t hear you anymore, your voice is but a whisper, your scent but a distant memory

Hidden from this world, far away in another world…gone until the time is right…

My human mind can’t understand this, my brain is but a fog, my memory but a vapor

All I feel is the love you left behind, placed in those near to me.



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