Thursday, April 25, 2013

This is ME

      My name is Elizabeth Hamm....I am me...I am a writer, a muser, a thinker, an author. My words flow like the words cease from being. At times they fly like the wind....other times, they are frozen like the tundra. I am a lover, loyal, free, strong and random....I won't fight unless it's for someone I love or what I believe in with my whole heart. I hate angry words. I hate sinister conversations. I despise confrontation. If I feel like I'm being threatened, I shut down like an electric generator on empty. If I don't know how to respond, I am silent. If I know you are irritated or upset, I feel this sudden need to make sure you are calm and feeling better. If you are crying, I am a shoulder to lean on. I never feel it's the wrong time to cry. I never see you as a failure just because you make a mistake. I am my biggest critic, and I'm sure I punish myself more than you ever could. I have this need to help the broken, to fix the lost, to restore the out of service. I listen with everything I have, and you have no doubt I care. I explain myself over and over until you begin to think I am apologizing, but in reality, I am just trying to convey what I'm thinking. I am silent....I am shy. In social gatherings, I listen, observe, smile, stand still. I have the ability to be adventurous and random, to laugh until I am crying and to make everyone around me laugh with the same fervor. I am goal-oriented, but sometimes I become side-tracked. I will get back on track if motivated, and often-times, I am self-motivated. I write poetry at random times and share them with my best friend until I'm sure she is rolling her eyes like, "Another one, Liz?" (just kidding!) I imagine what life would be like if I made certain decisions, and that I make those things happen. I used to sit still...for a while I was stagnant. I was afraid to move for fear everything would fall apart, but in doing so, I was slowly drifting away. I may be the quietest one in the room, but in reality, I know I probably have the most to say. I would have to say that I am romantic at heart, and that with time, that hasn't changed. Each and every day that I am married to the greatest man on earth, I thank my God for bringing him to me. He has patience and understanding and a sense of humor not many can forget. He is my other half, and I am sure we have many adventures ahead of us. My kids make me daughter is the greatest gift of a girl God could have ever given me. She has shown me what it means to love. Her smile and her heart are convicting. My son is the brightest boy with the biggest eyes and a heart to match. He challenges me and the most like me, it's scary. I am who I am, but I am a work in progress...a canvass not completed. If I have ever loved you, I will always love you. If I ever was your friend, I will be your friend until the end. I am ME.

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