Friday, May 14, 2010

While Sitting on a Rock...

       So, I'm sitting here typing with one hand, something that isn't easy at all. Yet, I have so much on my mind it's not even funny. Last night was something you'd see on TV, a movie in slow all is kind of blurred in my mind as radios were blaring for assistance, glass was being broken, tempers flaring, poles being swung, rooms being stripped, a run that injured my wrist and shoulder and so on. I removed myself from the situation for approximately twenty minutes, and as I sat there on a rock, my mind began to race thinking about our soldiers overseas, and how they are in crisis mode most of the time. They are dodging bullets, shrapnel, bombs, terrorists, etc, and for a brief moment I felt like a coward leaving the scene when I little brother probably had nowhere to run as bullets flew his direction and I was outside sitting on a rock...those thoughts tortured me for a brief moment before a co-worker came and talked to me reminding me of our training and how it's good to remove yourself if you feel unstable....and boy did I...I held my ground until the pole-swinging began...then I was seriously done for the time being...I recovered in time to have to run what seemed like a quarter mile to assist a different situation. My run sent me crashing into the doorway, injuring my wrist and shoulder; only I felt nothing as I focused on calming a resident down who was crying and upset. I felt nothing still as I watched my own resident later on and we talked about the bats flying too close to our heart is broken for how it all went down...she told me she really liked me before she left and she wished me the best....
       Today is three years since Mamaw Hamm went to heart is with my family.....she is truly missed by all. I loved her sweet, Southern grace...always a smile, always a hug and hospitality. RIP Rosita Bercier aren't forgotten.

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