Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Grace is Sufficient

       So, I have been sick now for almost a month, but I am so very thankful for a roof over my head and a warm place to live. I am awake right now after having some sinus issues, but I know that I am on my way to recovery. I believe that God's healing power is alive and active in me. I have fallen short in so many areas of my life, and this sickness has humbled me to my knees. God deserves all of the glory in my life. He is the ultimate Healer. I remember being very sick when I was about 9 years old. My dad gave me some medicine, and I began to feel somewhat better. He proceeded to ask me who healed me. I said the medicine did. He then taught me that medicine doesn't heal, but God uses the medicine as a tool to help us get well. That lesson stuck with me to this day. No medicine will work in your body unless God wills it to, for He is the Creator of medicine. He put it in some person's mind how to make medicine for our sicknesses. God knows what He's doing in my life. I only trust Him to heal me as I know He has already. I can't answer for anyone as to why certain things come into my life, but I do know that I am learning daily, and while being ill, I see more of what needs changed in my spiritual life. I am not saying that that is the only time, but sickness has a way of humbling one to take a good look at your life. God's grace abounds in so many ways in my life. I do not deserve His love, yet He gives it. I do not deserve His forgiveness, yet He offers it. Thank You, God, for bringing people in my life who show me different things about myself. Thank You for your grace and forgiveness. Thank You for Your healing power.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Very well said. And *hugs* hope you feel better soon. A MONTH is just a miserable amount of time!!!