Friday, April 24, 2009

TODAY, There is ONE Thing...

I believe in a God Who is always there for me. I believe in a God Who has never once let me down even though I know that I have let Him down over and over. I believe in forgiveness because that's the only way to go forward in this life. I believe in admitting that I am wrong when I am wrong and not trying to cover up that I made a mistake. I will face my biggest fears, and I will stay on the right road because there is no other way to live. When I feel that I am falling down and losing ground, I just get up and put one foot in front of the other because to stay down is to admit defeat. I don't admit defeat because with God, I always win. Yes, I am human, but with the grace and help of my God, I will win and reach my biggest goals and desires. To live without a goal or dream is not to live at all. I have come to this conclusion over and over again. When I am faced with a turn in the road, I still review my life, and I realized that I have not once made a mistake in relying on my God. I am no weaker because I rely on Him, but instead, I am only stronger. It doesn't make you a weak person to depend on a Higher Power, as some would say, but it only makes you stronger because as a human, you can't do anything without the God of the universe. I have faced many difficulties and obstacles in this life, but in all, God has never let me down.
So, today, there is one thing that keeps me, there is a need to continue with my dreams and desires. Today, is the day that I brace myself and keep moving forward. I don't think that this life was intended to be lived with tenseness or strict guidelines. I believe we are intended to enjoy every minute. This will only be accomplished if we live for others. I have goals and dreams, but they include the ones around me, my family. To live only for myself would be to wake up one morning, sad and alone. God, I am moving forward today because, "this thing I do, forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forth unto those are before...."

1 comment:

T said...

Amen to that!
Love you, girl!